February 04, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions

1.) Describe the accountability that you have to an organization, board or independent group in which you do not participate and over which you have no influence. In other words, who will have independent oversight to your ministry from a spiritual, financial, goals, measurements, planning? 

* In order to become a tax-exempt organization, we have been chartered through Kingsway Fellowship International of Des Moines, Iowa. Before they will approve a charter they require a detailed explanation of the scope of our ministry. They consider the spiritual focus as well as financial planning and accountability and require annual reports from their charters to maintain accountability. Broken Hearts Ministries is required to have a board of directors on which we can serve, but my wife(Peggy) and I(Jim) are only two of five positions on that board. 

2.) Tell us about the Geographic area and people to which you are being called to minister. How do you coordinate your activities with the local congregations, state and local governments? 

* Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas are sister cities. They are separated only by the political border and the Rio Grande. The population of Juarez, including the fringes of the city, is about one and a half million. Our work will mainly focus on the impoverished areas of the city. There is very little social welfare available to the needy. The mission work being done here is a great asset to the community. There are some churches established in these communities that work with missions organizations. We desire to build relations with them to work toward the common goal of glorifying Christ in the lives of the people here. Also in 2006 we became incorporated in Mexico in order to have legal rights to purchase property and work in various social services such as schools, clinics, etc. 

3.) Describe the structure of your support that is used to finance your ministry. What type of help will you have available to you in the event of illness and other adverse conditions that may confront you? 

* Broken Hearts Ministries is a faith-supported ministry, which relies solely on donations from God's people for it's financial provision. Jim and Peggy, are the only full-time salaried staff members at this time. It is necessary for us to purchase health care coverage of our own. We believe that God has called us to this work and trust that no matter what our financial or physical circumstance may be, He will provide. 

4.) What is the term of your mission that you are planning on? 

* We have no plans for a term limit nor do we know what the future holds for us in that regard. We don't see an end to the work of reaching out to the lost in Juarez or to helping meet the physical needs of God's people there. We have been in Juarez since 2001. Now having been officially incorporated in Mexico and having purchased property here, we are quite well established. We currently have a Mexican salaried, part-time staff member and numerous other local partners in our work. Its our hope to add more local staff and we are praying for God to raise up U.S. missionaries who have a like vision for this work to join us to continue and enhance the ministry. 

5.) Describe to the accountability you expect from your supporters and what other expectations you may have of us. 

* We would expect that all those who support us would only do so believing that the whole purpose of this ministry is to glorify God and God alone; that the board of directors and staff of Broken Hearts Ministries would use all of the support provided to this end. We understand that communication is the key to our supporters being assured of these things. We need faithful on-going support, both spiritually and financially, from you. We will need your encouragement through continued contact using e-mail, U.S. mail, phone calls, and maybe even visits. 

6.) Point out the strongest attributes of your staff and Broken Hearts Ministries. 

* Both Jim and Peggy became Christians as adults in the mid eighties. They understand first-hand, the need for each individual to turn away from the world and toward Christ. Our secular work backgrounds and experience prepared us for the kinds of things we do in ministry here. Through on-line courses, over a period of three years, through Trinity College and Seminary, Jim earned a bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis on Pastoral Ministry. Peggy became a certified Stephen Ministry counselor in January of 2011. All the staff of Broken Hearts Ministries agree that the fundamental elements of effective ministry are building relationships and making disciples of Jesus Christ who live and serve in community. The Warren’s church background and current affiliation is with the Evangelical Free Church of America, but Broken Hearts Ministries is interdenominational. We have found networking with many different Christian denominations and Christian mission organizations has been a great blessing in serving God in Juarez. 

Thank you for your consideration of this ministry. We welcome any feedback you may have for us and we pray that God will guide any decisions made as to your support of Broken Hearts Ministries.